What goes up must come down

Here I am, returning from a pretty hectic weekend.

A sold out comedy show, +1000 attendance, fans waiting in line to take pictures and autographs.

Moderating a session between a princess, a member of (shoora) and a college faculty, after that fans taking photos as well.

Later that night, awarded for “3al6ayer” show and again fans taking photos.

Here I am, only two years in the game.

The steeper the rise the harder the fall.

What goes up must come down.

اللهم أعوذ بك من شماتة الأعداء
اللهم حسن الختام



A Dangerous Thing

On my last day leaving Houston, I was thinking how different ethnicities have different ways of joking. It’s weird that I just realized that.

I wonder why I never noticed that before, although Saudi is a very diverse country.

Upon my arrival, it hit me. Not everyone here is the same.

Some expatriate labour are not comfortable enough to joke with you. It’s like they are living in fear.

The moment, a man lives in fear, that man becomes a survivor, that man goes back to his survival instincts.

Once a man does not have the luxury of being human. Do not expect this “survivor” to go by any law or religion.

If, and I’m saying if, we have a million or two “survivors” in one city.

That my friends is a dangerous thing.

Now Go check the local news.

One Day

One day I will find a place I call home…
Four imaginary lines drawn by another, that will tell me where I belong…
One day I will tell others I would shed blood for that land…
On that land I will be treated with respect, and so will others…
Home is what I will call it regardless of it’s political name…
At home, I will not be too different to be accepted but I remain unique…
One day, I will tell my grand kids the story of finding this home…

Until that day comes, I have the right to remain silent.

DFW Airport

What will I bring home

Every time I visit a country, I naturally start comparing to home. Wherever home may be.

I compare people, government, religion, geography and even the weather.

It’s a compilation of all that makes a difference, never just one.

Obviously, being an Arab (not a Muslim) I always find myself and my “proud to be” arab people behind…

What happens now?
Do I just bitterly condescend my own?

Or do I think what can I bring home other than a hard rock cafe T-shirt?

Better yet, What positive change can I bring back?

25 years of travel and I don’t have the answer…

shame on me.



Just A Little Faith

You do your list of pros and cons

You refer back to your past and find all lessons learned

You ask friends from here and there

You consult anyone and everyone you think is a mentor to you

Finally, the conclusion is, both decisions are equally rewarding and equally risky…

How very still your life is now, while life itself is running fast around you…


For some reason, we are under the impression that everything needs to be calculated. Losing that sense of faith the ignorant possesses.


So you stand there, wondering what’s missing from this well constructed equation that will lead you to a calculated decision with a successful achievement…

It’s simply, just a little faith.


Sadly, nobody teaches faith anymore.


اللهم أرنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا اتباعه

A few hours before the show

my second performance in standup comedy was in Aramco.

Upon arrival, my friends disapproved of my “choice” of clothes and gave me nicer clothes to wear and bought tickets to attend and support.

Getting on stage they yelled “Honga Honga” like it was a wrestling match!!

Two years later, those friends are still attending and still supporting.

Two years later, I now understand my mothers prayers, to be blessed with good friends.

Two years later, I hope the time comes where I can be there for them like how they’ve always been there for me.

Thanks guys, you know who you are (and most likely not reading this)

Building 10 room 111
Building in thogba apt#4

Family Day !

Every year we have family day in the office…Kids and spouses come and see where their loved ones are allegedly completely awesome

“look here’s where daddy works”

” look this is daddy’s friend”

” This is what I do”

I find it entertaining (trying very hard not to use the word cute) how for a change it’s the “grown up” wanting attention.

I guess, everyone needs some attention, everyone wants to feel appreciated.

No matter how old or where they stand in the pyramid of command.

Judging from my environment, I see a big need for appreciation.

So starting with myself, I’m going to spend more time and effort in appreciating others…

Except that jerk who did Saher -_-

Midnight Talk

It’s very rare that I stay up late, whenever I stay up late on my own, I drive myself to some very serious thinking… Too serious for my liking…

  • I remember dropping out of MBA program because I felt I learned nothing, a program that upon admission test I was one of the top 10 out of a few hundred applicants. I had to leave due to an incompetent educational system…
  • I got a message from a fan, a very long one, he told me that his father had to bribe the school headmaster so his non-saudi son can study in it. Then I realize, that school was the school I used to be proud to have studied in.
  • My grandfather always calls me “يا عمر عمرك ” … My grandfather is in the ICU now, I don’t know what “يا عمر عمرك ” means and I don’t know if I’ll hear the explanation from him.


I didn’t really plan it, but I have surrounded myself with an image of comedy, many expect a comical comment, act, writing.etc from me.

However, sometimes if you just sit still, observe and listen… There’s nothing “comical” about this life… There simply is none.


اللهم لك الحمد نعمك لا تحصى

Kids do the darnest things!

Three days after releasing my fourth episode of 3al6ayer a colleague at work told me he stopped at a traffic light and noticed a kid with an ipad holding a pencil and imitating my moves from the episode!!

I must say I wish if I had any impact it wouldn’t be bashing heads into objects, but still I was happy to hear that story.

As I carried my now twice as large head around this evening I started reflecting…

Am I really making an influence?

If yes, then what kind of  influence is it?

Isn’t this supposed to be “just” comedy?

Are the viewers too serious or am I not silly enough?

I don’t have the answers, and now I’ll ponder about this for a week or two…

Damn… Kids do the darnest things !


My Daughter…My Happiness

Last weekend, for the first time, I spent a whole day in bahrain. Granted it was purely recreational I spent a good amount of time speculating.

NOTE: If you thought “شارع المعارض” when you reached the phrase “purely recreational” , I advise you to stop reading now!

—SCENE  —-

Omar: Hi

Random South Asian Worker: Hi *he smiled*

Omar: how much for the redbull?

RSAW: 1 dinar

Omar: WOW ! And Snickers?

RSAW: *still smiling* 500

Omar: okokok only redbull only redbull *over acting for entertainment purpose*

RSAW: *now laughing* ok ok

As he grabs a can, I notice a young girl.

Omar: Well, hi there!! Who are you ?!!

RSAW: *smiling proudly* This is my daughter she is studying for exams.


My day in Bahrain ended very late at night.

As we drove back to the blessed land, I pondered…

Everyday I read/ will read the local blessed newspapers: suicide, rape, underground whore houses…etc

Is anyone thinking what I’m thinking?