Archive for the ‘ Travel ’ Category

The one debate I lost

So a good Saudi friend of mine graduated from one of the top 10 MBA schools in the world.

He was not accepted for scholarship at first, and had to “convince” the ministry…

I spent a few days asking him, trying to trigger a sense of need, to use this new level of knowledge he obtained, to help make a change in his local community.

He did not agree at all.

So we debated.

He played his cards I played mine.

I am now very convinced to move to Geneva.

اللهم حسن الختام


Lucky Bastard

My flight was to take off at 550pm, boarding starts at 450pm
The ride from my compound (euro village) to the airport is about 30-40 minutes
at 5pm I was packing up , at 5:05pm I realized I can’t find my ticket
5:30pm I was back at university campus and found my ticket
5:45pm I left for the airport (ewa ana dammi barid!)
I arrived at the airport at 6:11 pm… (please go up to remember the take off time)
I came to find out the plane was delayed and the NEW boarding time is 6:15pm
Lucky Bastard !
This event was sponsored by :
Saudi Airlines—"Never On Time"
Eastern Region— " Let’s just keep the airport as far away as possible"
Honga CiviC—"That is a Honda, This is a Honga… It’s in the driver"