Archive for the ‘ Health and wellness ’ Category

Root Cause (Part I)

If you go through the last pages of Okaz, you will read stories about how "Human Rights in KSA" are working non-stop to solve a case of a defenseless mother of x number of children (where x >3 ) that was a victim of

a) abusive husband/father/brother/son
b) Father walking out on family leaving all x number of kids without ID to resume a normal life
c) Husband divorces wife leaves her with x number of kids and no where to go.
d) all of the above.
Half Full:
yaay! We have an official organization that supports such cases.
Half Empty:
Our beloved and "just like america" organizations are barely catching up with the infinite number of cases let alone those that don’t reach them. 
They way things are going, it doesn’t seem like the rates are declining either…
If we really wanted to help, we should ask the right questions, we need to hunt down the Root Cause

– Why didn’t anyone tell her who she’s marrying?
– Why can’t a mother identify her children?
– Why did we all hear about "Um X" being abused but didn’t care to intervene until it was too late?
– Why can’t a wife loudly and confidently say "I don’t want his ass" and walk away?
I don’t have the answers, but is anyone asking?

The Irony of Hygiene

Going somewhere into what we made ourselves believe is an era of no more plague or disease, neglecting STD’s and third world countries!! I come to look around me and find the facts rather humorous.


 In order to prevent the spread of any type of disease, everything that is introduced to us nowadays is either plastic or in a plastic cover to prove that it is clean and free from the fingerprints of anyone else other than the user himself/herself. Well that’s great, because now I don’t have to worry about my food being contaminated. But somewhere in the back of my head as a Chemical Engineer I know that ALL plastics cannot be recycled and they can only be burned to give poisonous gases that might someday be the reason of the destruction of our planet. And don’t get me started about detergents, pesticides and other "cleaning" utilities. Well, good luck next generation I say!


In other news Saudi Arabia lost 4-0 to Ukraine. Why are people mad? You guys better of with 8? I quote "هذا إلي جاك"