Writers Block


I haven’t been blogging as much lately, I am sure this upsets all three of my very dedicated readers.

I’ve never been in a situation where I don’t have much to say, there’s always something. 

I’m currently going through a very interesting phase, I no longer have ideas, I no longer have much to say about anything.


It’s been a few months now, and the fact that I am blogging a blog with so many “I”s is concerning on its own.


Have my brain finally given up? Or is it  drained with so many self centered activities that it forgot there’s a world beyond “viewers and followers” ?


An intervention is needed, or maybe a break.


I vote break!

  1. Despite all the (I)s, and the not-so-optimistic tone, I’m glad this blog isn’t neglected and forgotten 🙂
    A break is never a bad idea!

    • Osama
    • April 27th, 2013

    You sure need both.
    You’ve been exhusting yourself with so many things plus all the fans. You need to take a step back, list the things you want to accomplish not the things you have to do, prioritize and then go ahead.
    “So many “Yous” in this reply, I’ll stop here 🙂

  2. In these times I always suggest a new interest.
    try practicing something you always wanted to do

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