Note to self

At (t+x) we are shocked with a reality that wasn’t so clear at (t)

This unclarity is a result of either absolute ignorance or deception. Maybe a mixture of both.

The only way to clarify the picture is by shock.

Shock by an an individual you trusted, or a system you believed in.

After recovering from a shock this should help you make future relationships.

Relationships with people, companies and governments.

To reduce magnitude and frequency of aforementioned shocks, keep in mind when creating a relationship at (t):

“survival of the fittest”

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

    • London_AS
    • December 23rd, 2011

    Well said Honga! we’re often limited to see (t+x) as x approaches zero.. which gives the maximum or minimum trajectory at the point t.. That shock is needed to keep going in a realistic middle path. Thx

    • Maria
    • February 17th, 2012

    to tell you the truth, I don’t know if I agree with that.
    sometimes, at (t-2x) the situation is clearer than it will ever be. it’s just that sometimes people lose themselves in the situation. and then what? what happens when the most shocking thing to ever happen to you, is yourself?

    contemplation and shock stem from the same seed. little does everyone know, although serene contemplation is harder to do (after all, you may have to admit your wrongs), it has more favorable outcomes.

    it’s funny how we play scenarios in our heads where “I wish I could just quit my job.” or “I wish I could just walk out.” or “I wish I could just stand up to my closest friend and tell them how they’ve wronged me.” we hope for something that is going to force us to change, thrusting the truth in front of our faces. something that is gonna do the changing for us. like everyone on this planet is walking in a mini-movie. a grand act. truth be told, life is not a movie. We think it’s almost certain in our lives where there’s a possibility things would suddenly drastically change. that makes us bitter. shock makes people bitter, I feel. contemplation, on the other hand, steers us clear of sipping the glass, forcing ourselves to see it a little less full, and a little more empty, every time.

    all in all, whether shocked or contemplative, I wish you courage.

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