Just Like That?

There is this sense of satisfaction you get, when you tell a story that ends with laughter…

It grows to an urge, to always get that amused reaction of laughter, tears and “please stop you’re killing me” …

This urge becomes confidence…

you are now a semi-professional.


An expectation is put, when you speak others should laugh.

This relationship grows beyond friends, it grows to the masses…

You now have a relationship with absolute strangers…

A relationship of speech for laughter.


you then start questioning your existence.

Do you exist to make others laugh? Just like that?


  1. You have a gift.. Don’t loose it..
    We don’t love you just because you make us laugh, but because of your modesty, integrity and sincerity..

  2. مو تعرفت على البنات سألـــــــــــت البنات.. هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

    • Iman
    • August 24th, 2011

    Really the talent u use in

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