Family Day !

Every year we have family day in the office…Kids and spouses come and see where their loved ones are allegedly completely awesome

“look here’s where daddy works”

” look this is daddy’s friend”

” This is what I do”

I find it entertaining (trying very hard not to use the word cute) how for a change it’s the “grown up” wanting attention.

I guess, everyone needs some attention, everyone wants to feel appreciated.

No matter how old or where they stand in the pyramid of command.

Judging from my environment, I see a big need for appreciation.

So starting with myself, I’m going to spend more time and effort in appreciating others…

Except that jerk who did Saher -_-

    • Khawla Alforidi
    • February 24th, 2011

    Oh yeah 100% agree with this Honga !
    what we really misses here in KSA that some of the families do not appreciate that you are a humen being coz you’re a child !
    they just don’t give you the right to make your own choices and take your own decisions !!
    i’m not talking about my self coz i was raised in very lovable family and Hamdellah my sweet parents are very open minded persons and they are not strict with some of the old rules ..
    and yeah it feels great to go to dads office and set on his big chair and act like him !! , tell me about you coz i used to go there when i was a little girl of coure .
    So , this qaute ” I guess, everyone needs some attention, everyone wants to feel appreciated.” is perfectly right <3333 !! and i'm totally okay with it ..
    And i guess i'm not having problems with the ( Saher system) coz unfortunately, women don't drive here .
    and i let you know how does it feel when they allow us to drive , which is i think impossible so far -__- !!

    • Halah Almazrooa
    • February 24th, 2011

    Awwwww!! probably the cutest idea ever.. never heard of it

    • Osama
    • February 24th, 2011

    it’s only you who needs attention.. i know you pal..
    you fuel on attention,, you can’t live without it..

    Sorry but this doesn’t make sense.. :p

      • Hitokiri Honga
      • February 25th, 2011

      Everyone needs attention… Including you & I 🙂

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