Kids do the darnest things!

Three days after releasing my fourth episode of 3al6ayer a colleague at work told me he stopped at a traffic light and noticed a kid with an ipad holding a pencil and imitating my moves from the episode!!

I must say I wish if I had any impact it wouldn’t be bashing heads into objects, but still I was happy to hear that story.

As I carried my now twice as large head around this evening I started reflecting…

Am I really making an influence?

If yes, then what kind of  influence is it?

Isn’t this supposed to be “just” comedy?

Are the viewers too serious or am I not silly enough?

I don’t have the answers, and now I’ll ponder about this for a week or two…

Damn… Kids do the darnest things !


  1. No, Omar. It’s not supposed to be “just” comedy! What you are doing here is way more than comedy. Everything; movies, music, paintings, media and, of course, comedy has its own goals -or at least supposed to!
    Keep us laughing, as hard as we are supposed to, and keep delivering the message, that many old men couldn’t deliver.

    • DeSeRt RoSe
    • February 12th, 2011

    Actually you do have a very huge impact, I have seen the 4th episode with every member of my family plus seeing it at work with my colleagues.. a number of times!!
    We can’t stop saying (‘3ara8na alnafa8, kayf bas?) and doing the pencil thing.. plus we can’t stop repeating and talking about the recent events and the lack of coverage that you talked about.. plus having alameen follow his na2ib on Twitter or Facebook.. that was hilarious !!
    It was so darn funny we just keep bringing it up and pray for you that Allah yiwafi8ak and y7meek you and all the team in 3al6ayir..

    Keep up the great work and waiting for episode 5 🙂

    • Lama Sabri
    • February 12th, 2011

    Never kill the child inside of you, and never act childish 🙂

    Sometimes “sillyness” has a positive impact on a depressed society.

    “Children see, Children do” 🙂

    Haaaaa3333 be strong mr. Strong

    • Amna
    • February 12th, 2011

    not that you’d be waiting here for answers .. but I’d say it was very amusing .. and if it had an impact you should be pleased .. I don’t think there’s something called “just” comedy .. after all it’s comedy “because” it has indirect message or aim .. wether it be making others laugh .. or pinpointing serious matters .. in a “light” manner 🙂
    I am in fact tuning in on regular basis to your youtube channel in hope that there will be more .. since there wasn’t anything new .. I kept watching the same thing over and over again .. yeah that was me who increased the viewing from 300 to 150,000 .. bwahahahah ..
    anyways .. really really good work .. not only you .. the rest of the team too .. try reading kids say the darnest things .. LOL ..

    • Emad Altayyar
    • February 12th, 2011

    Dear Honga,

    what you do is not just comedy, its kind of…well i will call it political comedy.
    its great and your way in delivering the message is outstanding.

    For sure you are leaving an effluence, not just on kids…but even on grown ups…
    sometimes i try to imitate some of your moves or words after seeing one of your episods.

    i am proud to see saudi guys like you who are brave enough to stand out and say the truth and move feelings by comedy, i cheer you and all the guys under the camera who participated in making the show as it is.

    working in media is not just going to a daily job like any other job, i will quote Mr. Hamdi Kandil when he said this about people who work in this field ” we have real authority, and its the authority of the people…we represent them and they represent the true power”

    wish you all the luck in the world


  2. I didn’t know that my brothers are watching the episodes till I heared my youngest brother saying ” Kaif bas?.. and ma a3lam ma tnfa3 alsho3’l”.. yes Omar, you are now everywhere in the kingdom and don’t worry it is a good impact in all of its directions.. just two things be careful with, some words by your colleague are not good for your show even for fun… kids imitate without thinking…Mentioning the names is making its more funny but don’t go far becouse we don’t want this great work to stop for any reason …We like your funny character & every sentence you say.. you don’t know how many times we watched the episode again and again …. Brother, Allah with you.

  3. You are making people smile …. Years from now we will look back at your videos and say “ ohhhh , I remember that “ mhrjan Jeddah al sanawy for example .you are making memories …funny and joyful memories for what had happened in our life…

    Isn’t this supposed to be “just” comedy? It’s black comedy Omar … the hardest type of comedy
    hope for you a life full of happens and childish giggles 🙂

    • Osama
    • February 13th, 2011

    “One day I’ll change the world, I hope that day isn’t my last !”
    Omar Hussein

  1. February 12th, 2011

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