Volunteers are annoying

I think it’s the ridiculously positive social media posts they post. Or maybe the pictures, don’t you hate it when volunteers take pictures with needy people?


While spending a couple of hours with those annoying volunteers who dedicate 3-4 hours of every single day in Ramadhan to distribute hot meals, I noticed something.


The “kids” all gathered around one volunteer chanting “sora sora” (picture picture). The volunteer takes out out his nikon camera and everyone runs with excitement into frame with all types of peace and gangster signs that would leave Ghandi and 2pac confused!


Apparently, taking a picture is an exciting experience for “the kids”.

Apparently, the volunteers, although exhausted, were adding an extra little bit of giving to their routine.

Apparently, you are a judgemental jerk for agreeing with my first line. And so was I.



That guilt of having (part I)

My brain is  occupied with the fact that I consume resources knowing that many would live joyfully with what I throw away.

I wash my hands with what a family may drink for a day.

Now expand that thought to cover your every consumption.


The argument is always that one should be thankful of his/her blessings, and try to help the needy.

But is that really enough?

To try?

What is try?

Is it to give a poor man some change, or is it to try end a system that is the cause of this mans misery?

I think now I understand war.

No wait what?!!


Writers Block


I haven’t been blogging as much lately, I am sure this upsets all three of my very dedicated readers.

I’ve never been in a situation where I don’t have much to say, there’s always something. 

I’m currently going through a very interesting phase, I no longer have ideas, I no longer have much to say about anything.


It’s been a few months now, and the fact that I am blogging a blog with so many “I”s is concerning on its own.


Have my brain finally given up? Or is it  drained with so many self centered activities that it forgot there’s a world beyond “viewers and followers” ?


An intervention is needed, or maybe a break.


I vote break!

Short Story

Grows up learning that seeking education is important

Education tells him there is a truth to be found

Seeks education

Finds the truth

Goes to jail


Moral of the story: Ignorance is Bliss



اللهم حسن الختام

All it takes is a mic

Maybe some lighting too, and boom you have a night of standup comedy.

Well, maybe you may need some  sociopolitical injustice.

The injustice that pushes one to go to a distorted reality, to make believe that a smile is doable in this world.

That distorted reality entertains those who are unable to create their own.

The greater the suffering, the greater the entertainment.


Maybe all it takes is a mic, a corrupt system and a cruel society.

This leaves one to wonder,

The growing scene of comedy in the region, that everyone is so excited about, what does it really mean?

درس “على الطيارة”


في رحلتي القصيرة إلى دبي كان ولد صغير جنبي
 جلسنا نتكلم، سألته كم عمرك قلي عشرة. بعدين سألته عن المواد المفضلة له ، واتكلمنا شوي عن الكواكب
 تقمصت دور الكبير الي يحمسه للتعليم و أهميته بطريقة غير مباشرة.
سألته أسئلة قصيرة وتركت له المجال يعبر براحته ربما يلاحظ أنه يحب علم أكثر من آخر و يجد شغفه فيه… 
ممكن يتحمس يعرف معلومات أكثر من أسئلتي …
ممكن أغير حياته للأبد …
بعدين جات أمه و أخدته عالدرجة الأولى 
درس اليوم:
في السعودية ، العلم لا يساوي الكثير.
<strong>انت ولد مين؟</strong> 

Talking to a grave

If there is one person who has been so enthusiastic about my getting married, it would be my grand father.

He didn’t harass me as much as he was just genuinely excited. It didn’t make me feel pressured, just important and special. Although, maybe he treated all his grandsons and granddaughters that way !

So he asked, I avoided answering.

He got ill, and still asked, I still didn’t have any good news to give him.

Then he passed away.

I am not sure if people can hear you after death, but I felt obliged to share the news.

Of course, it’s no longer his interest now.


اللهم حسن الختام

Note to self

At (t+x) we are shocked with a reality that wasn’t so clear at (t)

This unclarity is a result of either absolute ignorance or deception. Maybe a mixture of both.

The only way to clarify the picture is by shock.

Shock by an an individual you trusted, or a system you believed in.

After recovering from a shock this should help you make future relationships.

Relationships with people, companies and governments.

To reduce magnitude and frequency of aforementioned shocks, keep in mind when creating a relationship at (t):

“survival of the fittest”

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

Just Like That?

There is this sense of satisfaction you get, when you tell a story that ends with laughter…

It grows to an urge, to always get that amused reaction of laughter, tears and “please stop you’re killing me” …

This urge becomes confidence…

you are now a semi-professional.


An expectation is put, when you speak others should laugh.

This relationship grows beyond friends, it grows to the masses…

You now have a relationship with absolute strangers…

A relationship of speech for laughter.


you then start questioning your existence.

Do you exist to make others laugh? Just like that?


The one debate I lost

So a good Saudi friend of mine graduated from one of the top 10 MBA schools in the world.

He was not accepted for scholarship at first, and had to “convince” the ministry…

I spent a few days asking him, trying to trigger a sense of need, to use this new level of knowledge he obtained, to help make a change in his local community.

He did not agree at all.

So we debated.

He played his cards I played mine.

I am now very convinced to move to Geneva.

اللهم حسن الختام
